It’s a beautiful Friday at Classic Swing Golf School in Myrtle Beach!
The Classic Swing Golf School, one of GOLF Magazine’s Top 25 Golf Schools in America, teaches golf on an individual basis. Personal attention, quality instruction, and a time honored curriculum are things that have made our school a success. We do not rebuild or tear down swings but reprogram through proper information. We believe in evaluating every student’s body type, personality, skill level, and golf goals. We use state-of-the-art technology, such as high speed video analysis, and the latest teaching aids, but we use them in relation to what has worked for hundreds of years. Our communication skills, sound proven techniques, and our knowledge of the golf swing have allowed us to lower the handicaps of weekend players, fine tune the skills of advanced players, or give a beginner the sound fundamentals necessary for a lifetime of more enjoyable golf.
To book your school or private lesson call 1-800-827-2656 or visit
The Program
- Classes begin every Monday and Thursday
- Sessions run daily from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
- Commuter and Visitor Packages Available Year-Round
- Completely Private Practice Facilities
- Covered Hitting Stations at Legends
- Unlimited use of Practice Facilities while Attending School
- Instruction Books and Take-Home Video for Future Comparison and Mail Back Correction
- Indoor hitting station for inclement weather
- Rounds of Golf with cart fee included on Plan B and Plan C Packages
- Always a maximum 3:1 Student to Teacher Ratiowith patience and the correct training program, you can improve at golf. The best golf instruction can be found and Classic Swing. Voted one of the 25 top Golf Schools in the country, you will receive the best golf swing instruction. Visit for more information