Golf training

PLAY TO YOUR STRENGTHSby Ted Frick of Classic Swing Golf School             Deception is a common characteristic used by some of golf's greatest architects. The rolling hills of Tom Fazio, the use of railroad ties by Pete Dye, and the elevated crowned shaped greens of Donald Ross provide a…

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Best Golf Tips

Increase your club head speed for greater distance, better ball striking Golf Tips from Les Miller Club head speed is the key to greater distance and solid ball striking. But where does speed come from? Well, speed comes from more than one part of your golf swing. The following tips…

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Tips and Helpful Hints

Tips and Helpful Hints from Ted Frick of Classic Swing Golf SchoolThis tip is a review of three distinct areas that involve applying force to the ball while affecting our score; putting, wedges, and the driver.  From putter to driver, the golf club is built on an incline plane. This…

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