Want to lower your score? Although it doesn’t get as much attention or enthusiasm as the Pre-Shot Routine, the Post-Shot Routine can be just as significant in your pursuit to improve your game. I like to use Classic Swing Golf School’s method for improving scores by using this method so here it is by Ted Frick:
"The address routine and pre-shot routine are frequently talked about in the golf world; however, very few people discuss the post shot routine. The post shot routine involves the period of time immediately after you hit your golf shot. In this brief period of time lasting no longer than one minute, or maybe two, the mind should do a self-assessment. We must reflect upon our commitment to the shot, its execution, and our emotion. For those that cannot let go of a poor shot in golf and allow it to follow you to the next shot or the next tee, this tip will be very revealing.
Some of the most precious seconds in golf are the five to seven seconds immediately after the shot is hit. At this time, the mind and mouth need to be quiet. For most, this is where the cursing, swearing, poor pitiful me attitude happens following a less than spectacular shot, and this usually carries right on to the next shot. To the contrary, awareness of an actual post shot routine can help prepare the mind and body for the next shot or next hole.
The first self-assessment needs to be of your commitment. Were you 100% committed to your yardage, your club, and the target? Any lack of commitment in one of these three areas will create confusion, frustration, and tension. Have you ever hit an iron and stood over the ball thinking it looks more like a seven iron than the club in hand? This kind of thinking will inevitably create a poor shot. The same goes with the target and the yardage. In your post shot routine, numerically evaluate your commitment from 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest grade.

Next, assess the execution of the shot you planned to hit. Do not confuse this with the outcome of where the ball came to rest. Sometimes a gust of wind, a poor bounce, or simply rub of the green will cause the outcome of the ball flight to not match your picture. You should evaluate pure execution! If your wedge shot into the green needs a lower trajectory based on the wind being in your face and the pin being located on the back of the green, then evaluate whether your execution of controlling the ball flight was successful. You should always play to your strengths and hit shots that you know you can pull off instead of hitting shots the golf course is demanding. After you assess your commitment, you must then evaluate your execution numerically as well.
Finally, awareness and control of your emotions will enable you to prepare and focus on the next shot. Neutral to positive is the proper emotional state for golf. Never allow negative emotions to control you on the course or anywhere else in life for that matter. Anger will lead to poor thinking and poor thinking to poor swings. You have control of your emotions, so stay positive and always reflect upon your emotional state.
The higher you score in the post shot routine the lower you will score on the golf course. Staying committed, playing to your strengths, and recognizing your emotional state are things you must monitor while you are playing golf. Control how you act after you hit a shot and you will control how you act before you hit the next shot."
Classic Swing Golf School has been voted one of the Top Golf Schools in America by Golf Magazine. The entire staff is dedicated to helping each student achieve his/her golf goals while exceeding their expectations. For more on golf lessons, golf training swing, how to improve at golf, and video golf lessons, visit www.classicswing.com.