Classic Swing Golf School – Teaches a kid a game that can be enjoyable for a lifetime

Good Thanksgiving Day from Classic Swing Golf School in Myrtle Beach!  Anyone looking for  the best golf instruction in Myrtle Beach? Check out Classic Swing.  Better yet, consider their Junior Golf Program.  By June you'll surely be tired of hearing those dreaded words, "Mom! I'm bored!"  

It's not too early to be thinking something that goes beyond enjoying the beach, shopping, water parks, and other activities, how about golf instruction in a safe and wholesome summer golf camp environment?  Classic Swing Summer Golf Camp in Myrtle Beach provides junior golfers with the tools to enjoy this great game for a lifetime.

But for now, consider this activity:  
9th  Annual YMCA Golf Classic
On behalf of the Board of Directors and staff of the YMCA of Coastal Carolina, we would like to invite you to join us for the 9th Annual YMCA Golf Classic. Many of the YMCA programs would not be possible without the dedication and support of people like you who want to make a difference in your communities. By joining this event you are expressing your desire for the YMCA to continue to provide scholarship assistance for families that cannot afford to pay for a variety of Y programs.

Schedule of Events:
Tournament Gala
Friday, November 30, 2012
The Dye Club at Barefoot Resort
7:00pm – 11:00pm

Dinner, Drinks, Entertainment and Silent auction

$100 per couple; $75 per couple (Y Members)

$60 individual; $45 individual (Y Members)


Golf Tournament
Saturday, December 1st, 2012
The Dye Course at Barefoot Resort

Shotgun Start- 9:30am
Texas Scramble Format
Each Participant receives a Deluxe Gift Bag
On Course Contests and Hole In One Competition

The goal of Classic Swing's Junior Golf Program is to ensure that each junior receives instruction and golf tips on all aspects of the game including their swing, rules, golf etiquette, and sportsmanship in an attempt to teach them a game that can be enjoyable for a lifetime. Whether a junior golfer is picking up a club for the first time, sharpening their skills for a junior tournament, preparing for high school golf, or striving for a college scholarship, the Classic Swing Golf School has a program to fit him/her.  Once there,  they will get better, regardless of their starting point. That's Classic Swing’s commitment.

Classic Swing Golf School guarantees a maximum 3:1 student to teacher ratio in all golf schools and offers private golf lessons for those golfers that prefer one-on-one golf instruction.  Classic Swing also offers custom golf club fitting.  The staff of Classic Swing Golf School abides by their motto, "We Love What We Do and We GUARANTEE Improvement." We invite you to preview the Classic Swing Golf School experience today! www  Be sure to check out our videos on YOUTUBE!

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