Classic Swing Golf School – Golf specific exercises to workout your body

"Success in this game depends less on strength of body than strength of mind and character." -Arnold Palmer

Good afternoon from Classic Swing Golf School in Myrtle Beach!  Are you looking for a Top Rated Golf School?  Ted and the other Professional Instructors at Classic Swing are well-qualified and committed to teaching you to know what you should do to improve your game.  

We probably all agree that golf specific exercises workout your body for a better game of golf.  Enjoy this tip from Ted!

Exercise Protocals

Improving a student's golf game is often a three-fold process for a teacher that focuses on the mind, body, and mechanics. This month, I will address the body.  As I begin to describe this month's exercises, it must be noted that these stretches can be done while moving or stationary. Moving stretches (example: lunging while twisting) take into account balance, focus, and concentration. Stationary stretches involve moving into a position and holding this position which takes strength. For some readers, the following exercises may need to be done under the supervision or with the permission of a medical professional.

The torso is the area of the body from the hips to the shoulders. The torso plays a key role for generating power in the golf swing. The stretch shown in Picture # 1 (Half-Kneeling Long Turns) is a great exercise for improving and correcting torso rotation. Begin this exercise by getting into a half-kneeling position with the down knee on a comfortable cushion or folded towel. Next, hold each end of a golf club and move it overhead while keeping your posture as tall as possible. Once you are in this position, try to rotate the torso as far as possible to both the right and the left without moving the lower body. For thoracic mobility (stretching out the back), keep the arms extended while turning. Switch your down leg and repeat.

Another major area of focus in relation to power in the golf swing is the glutes. The important major muscles that surround the glutes are the quadriceps and hamstrings. For strength and flexibility to these key areas that surround the pelvis, use the stretch shown in Picture # 2 (Torso Turns with a Lunge). It is a simple lunge complimented with a twist. Once again, keep the arms fully extended for thoracic mobility, but in this exercise, keep your arms in front of your chest. The leg you lunge with is the side you rotate your chest over. Ten repetitions over each leg provide a good cardio workout as well.

 Finally, I would like to focus on the core. Pelvic rotation is a stabilizer in the golf swing as the body moves the club into impact. For pelvic rotation improvement, try the Stork Turns shown in Picture # 3. To begin this exercise, stand on one leg and cross your arms over your chest. Hook one foot behind the knee of the down leg for support. Try to rotate the hips and shoulders back and forth for up to 25 seconds without losing your balance. Change your down leg and repeat. If you do not feel a burn in your belly, you are probably not performing this stretch correctly. No pain, no gain!

It is important to notice that in the Half-Kneeling Long Turns, we stretched the upper body but resisted with the lower body. During the Torso Turns with a Lunge, we mobilized both the upper and lower body and implemented some cardio. In the Stork Turns, we again moved both the lower body and the upper body. Hopefully one of these stretches, if not all three, will help your game.

Classic Swing Golf School guarantees a maximum 3:1 student to teacher ratio in all golf schools and offers private golf lessons for those golfers that prefer one-on-one golf instruction.  Classic Swing also offers custom golf club fitting.  The staff of Classic Swing Golf School abides by their motto, "We Love What We Do and We GUARANTEE Improvement." We invite you to preview the Classic Swing Golf School experience today!  Be sure to check out our videos on YOUTUBE!

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