Happy Friday from Classic Swing Golf School in Myrtle Beach! How many days until Spring? Don’t wait for warmer weather to sign up for lessons! The professional instructors at Classic Swing are ready for you.
Enjoy this from our most recent newsletter:
One Final PUSH
Wow!! Father Time is cruising! The 2017 newsletter campaign was a learning experience to write, and I enjoyed receiving comments and questions pertaining to the monthly drills and topics. The year of the PUSH is coming to a close, and the bottom line is NEVER stop pushing!
In his book Five Lessons: The Modern Fundamentals of Golf, Ben Hogan, while referring to impact, said:
“As far as applying power goes, I wish that I had three right hands!”
Please take this quote to heart and pour it on with muscle power as you come into impact and immediately into the follow through…

…no matter if it’s a chip — Push!

…or a pitch — Push!

…or a fairway metal — Push!
The answer is in the dirt! Thank you, Mr. Hogan.
Now, as we PUSH our way to the end of 2017, it is time to
TURN into 2018! Get those hips moving and look for key terms like pivot, ground forces, weight shift and hip action to take a stance in next year’s monthly drills, stretches, and tips.
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and God Bless to everyone!