Take a golf lesson and check out the lastest in improving your score

Besides taking golf lessons, there is a long list of ways to improve your golf performance.  There are tools, training aids, exercises, devices, and on and on.  For lessons, Classic Swing Golf School in Myrtle Beach is the golf training program I recommend. 

Back to the tools, you’ve seen bracelets and necklaces that claim to help improve your performance and give you energy. But wouldn’t it be great if you could have the incredible, proven benefits of negative ions embedded right into the fabric of the very best golf shirt you’ve ever worn? Now you can, with Tour proven Energy Athletic™ Golf apparel, powered by IonX™. 


Breath­able, light­weight fab­rics in golf apparel have become stan­dard equip­ment for play­ers these days. Now Per­for­mance Sports Brands is tak­ing it a step far­ther with Energy Ath­letic Golf, which it says is the first golf apparel that pro­vides a “true tech­no­log­i­cal and com­pet­i­tive advantage.”

The  IonX Ion­ized Energy Fab­ric, the com­pany says, fea­tures a neg­a­tively charged, elec­tro­mag­netic field embed­ded into its struc­ture. The intel­li­gent fab­ric stim­u­lates the deliv­ery of oxy­gen to the mus­cles through the blood­stream and brain, which is designed to pro­vide golfers with increased energy, strength, focus and accel­er­ated recovery.

In other words it’s the same basic con­cept as mag­netic bracelets or neck­laces. Accord­ing to the com­pany, the new line of short– and long-sleeved shirts pro­vides more than 400 times the amount of sur­face cov­er­age as neck­laces and bracelets on the mar­ket, result­ing in a com­pletely new and effec­tive way to help ener­gize and ben­e­fit a golfer dur­ing each round they play.

Whether or not you believe in mag­nets, the shirts are light­weight, whisk away mois­ture well and hang well when worn. For­mer PGA Cham­pion Paul Azinger has signed to wear Energy Ath­letic Golf and appear in the company’s commercials.

New Per­for­mance says the neg­a­tive ions present within the fab­ric of each Energy Ath­letic Golf  allow for faster recov­ery time between shots, grant­ing golfers the abil­ity to main­tain their power through­out an 18-hole round.

“Wear­ing Energy Ath­letic Golf allows the ath­lete to sus­tain a work­out for a greater period of time, and then have a much more rapid recov­ery time,” said Dr. Al Ouimet, PhD. of Poly­mer Chem­istry and Chief Sci­en­tist for Energy Ath­letic Golf. Ouimet was the lead sci­en­tist on the team that cre­ated the Fast­skin Swim­suits for Speedo. “Golfers will feel less sore due to a reduc­tion of lac­tic acid in the mus­cles, and will enjoy a feel­ing of well­be­ing due to the neg­a­tive or ‘happy’ ions in the Energy shirts. Based on stud­ies, I believe golfers wear­ing these shirts will be able to enjoy increased power or energy out­put and speed, feel bet­ter and sus­tain their energy lev­els for the entire 18 holes.”

After wearing this apparel, you really should go over to Classic Swing and sign up for their golf training program.   The Classic Swing Golf School teaches golf on an individual basis and assists to fine tune the skills of advanced players, or give beginners the sound fundamentals necessary for a lifetime of more enjoyable golf.  For more info, go to
www.wearenergy.com/ or www.classicswing.com/index2.php

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